
Glasser, W. (1989) The Quality School; Managing Students Without Coercion.  HarperCollins.

Kellough, R. (2008). Teaching young adolescents. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Ediger, M. (1991). Organization of the Language Arts. ViewPoints, 120 (055), 2-17.


Parent, Student, and Teacher Resources:

Reading Rockets –Reading Rockets is a site that provides reading resources for teachers that are teaching just about any class. I like this site because it provides a well-rounded balance of material. The resources include articles, strategies, videos, writer’s workshop, children’s book suggestions, links for professional development, ways to get involved with schools, and more.

Classroom Management Strategies-We often hear that when starting our first job, we will experience many hardships when it comes to classroom management. This website has it all when it comes to discipline and behavior management in the classroom. There are dozens of links to discipline websites explaining rules of discipline, techniques, stages, managing inappropriate behavior, lesson planning for behavior modifications, printouts, and books to help students manage behavior. These resources can be modified for students at any grade level.

Math and Reading Help-Although this site can be used as a resource for multiple ages and grades, it is a great resource for parents to help students with both math and reading. There are, exercises, games, problems, and discussion groups. Take a look around to find plenty of other great resources that are provided for every elementary grade.


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