Procedures- Let's Go!

Before Class: 

1.      Place coat, book bag, electronic devices, and other items by the coat rack or in your locker.

2.     Sharpen pencils, get homework out, and check to see if you have all your supplies in case you need to go back to your locker.

Beginning of Class:

1.      Copy down the journal prompt from the white board

2.     Use five to seven minutes to write about the topic in your journal

3.     When done, do any class work that you need to finish



1.      Use bathrooms during the provided bathroom breaks (before or after school, after lunch, or after specials (art, music, P.E.)

2.     If you need to go during class time, raise you hand and I will make note of it.  Each student receives five bathroom breaks per quarter.  If they have more than that, they will lose time at recess.  After that, parents will be notified in case there is a health issue.

3.     If it is an emergency, tell the person next to you and walk, do not run, to the bathroom.

Forgetting supplies:

1.      If you forget supplies, it is your duty to inform me and find someone to share with you or loan something from my supplies

Talking during class:

1.      Raise your hand and wait to be called on to speak in class.  If I ask the class to answer as a whole, you do not need to raise your hand.

Entering the classroom: 

1.      Quietly sit at your desks and get out the materials needed for the next lesson

Leaving the classroom: 

1.      Students will be called up by table to line up. 

2.     You are expected to keep quiet and orderly in the hallway

End of day:

1.      Finish writing homework in assignment notebook.

2.     Get book bags and coat from your locker and pack up the things you need to take home

3.     Listen for me to call out tables to line up.

4.     Quietly exit the classroom


1.      Stay calm and listen for directions

2.     Line up quickly and follow me

3.     If necessary, go and get the nearest teacher or use the intercom to call the office and ask for help

Classroom Jobs:

1.      Several students will receive different jobs each week. Jobs include:  line leader, light-master (turns on and off lights when using overhead, entering, exiting the classroom) paper-passer (passes out papers to each student’s mailbox, collects homework), bathroom monitors, and messenger.


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