Rules- How we are going to get to where we want to be

1.      Follow directions

Rationale:  In order to follow through with my goals as a teacher, I need a cooperative and organized environment.  This rule will allow me to complete my instructional plan as well as keep class order

2.     Respect teachers and classmates

Rationale:  Respecting teachers as well as classmates is imperative to maintaining a safe environment.  This also helps students to create habits that they will carry with them throughout their life.  Respect is more than being polite; it is becoming aware of people and things around us and learning to care for their opinions, beliefs, and background.  

3.     Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking

Rationale:  This rule is also going to help keep my class organized and cooperative.  If students feel free to talk out in class, I will lose the necessary respect that I need.  I believe it is important that students will have a chance of hearing directions and having the opportunity to speak when there is a rule like this.  It is important to note that they must wait to be called on before they speak. Otherwise, students might feel as though they may talk as soon as their hand is raised

4.    Come to class prepared

Rationale:  In order for students to have an effective learning experience, they need to have their things ready, including: homework completion, having books and other materials ready, and coming to class on time.  If these things are not done, the instructional time gets decreased.


These rules are subject to change.  As you may have read in my philosophy of classroom management, I prefer my students to present ideas for rules; have a discussion of these rules, pointing out the things that are good and bad about each rule, and why they are important. These are simply a template that I intend on being the direction of where I would like students to be at the end of the rule-making process.



First Offense:  Indirect warning (e.g. walking in that student’s direction,  tapping desk, use of  body language)

Second Offense:  Verbal Warning

Third Offense:  Written warning and recess time is taken away

Fourth Offense:  Note or phone call home

Fifth Offense:  Meeting with parent/principal




These consequences are also subject to change depending on the degree and severity of the offense.  The verbal warning may be after class, during silent time, or in an unavoidable situation-in front of the class.  The written warning is something that I will quickly write to the student that has feedback, such as what it was that I found inappropriate and perhaps a rule or procedure that may help them improve.  The time away from recess will vary according to the offense.  The principal’s office will be my last resort when it comes to consequences.  Problems start in the classroom, and I must learn to redesign the system if it is repeatedly not working.  At the same time, I am open to help from teachers, administrators, and parents.



Individual Rewards

1.      Time to read in the reading area

2.     Positive phone call or e-mail to parents

3.     Positive notes to student to motivate good behavior

Class-wide Rewards

1.      Video

2.     A lesson outside

3.     Dress-up day (dress like your favorite character from a book we are reading)

4.     Reader’s theatre



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