Communication-  "Listen and be heard"

Communication is an extremely important part of making the class run smoothly.  Language Arts is an area that is applicable to the rest of the content areas.  Students tend to learn best through relevant and meaningful experiences.  Writing, reading, speaking, and listening should be incorporated into all subjects.  I would love to include this integrated curriculum approach into my classroom because I believe that each student is able to showcase his/her abilities through one of the language arts.  My goal will be for their experiences to be meaningful and relevant, as well as for them to see the connections between the language arts and other subject matter.

In order to demonstrate the importance of communication in all areas of life, I plan to model good communication skills with my students.  I will self-evaluate and reflect on experiences to make myself grow as a professional educator.  Consequently, I will expect that they reflect on their experiences throughout the year and change habits accordingly.

So, let’s start this year out with communicating and setting an example of healthy communication for others.  My contact information is below.  If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me and let me know what is on your mind. 

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